Lynne resides on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Lynne has been a professional artist for over forty years. You can find Lynne passionately teaching art classes and working on private commissions for clients, including illustrating christian books and media. Experience heaven’s power coming down to earth, as she conducts Prophetic and Creative art workshops through her God-given giftings. God-inspired, and Holy Spirit saturated, Lynne has blessed many successful global art exhibitions with her works.
Lynne is an accomplished professional speaker, using her prophetic art and testimonies as a platform for His glory. The Lord has breathed into Lynne’s words and art, an inspirational life story. Her testimony uniquely expresses her childhood love of painting, as the Lord carried her through a story of triumph through the setbacks from the traditional art world; the Lord used these worldly setbacks to instead, paint a new picture in her life, releasing many of her works through successful exhibitions in Australia and New York City.
Prophetic art changed Lynne’s life forever, with the healing influence of Jesus Christ. The Lord radically healed her from the side effects of cancer, through prayer and experiencing a prophetic painting. From that time forward her life was committed to the Lord to paint the poetic promises of His heart on canvas' of hope. Her journey marked a holy embracing of prophetic art - from live painting with worship, to private commissions, to teaching courses on the magnitude of hearing from God through creativity.
Lynne’s ability to hear from the Holy Spirit, and painting the courts of the heaven-lies is lighting the church on fire with the radical love of Jesus Christ. Lynne paints the promises of God in the prophetic positioning and power of the Lord, radiantly displaying artwork from on high.
Humbly, Lynne gives thanks to her heavenly Father above for the privilege of co-creating with Him on this incredible journey with her art.
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