Lynne Hudson Books

The Painted Word Art Collection - An eclectic array of Lynne's anointed Prophetic Paintings. A treasure trove of God's painted word, filled with pages of Lynne's intimate reflections of the Father's heart.
Experience an encounter of His painted promises that take you into a deeper expectation to be intimately close to His heart.
The book can be purchased on Amazon and Barnes and Noble
Endorsement from Pastor Ken Wigglesworth, Spirit Life Church, Queensland, GC, Australia
Lynne captures and communicates the rich and visual colour portrait of prophecy.
Her ‘gift’, so masterfully displayed in this collection, conveys the Lord’s heart and message to the viewer and intended recipient. In other words; the visual prophecy is conveyed to the heart of the person God wants to reach through Lynne’s heart and hands, but originating from within His own heart.
Every prophet struggles to give proper justice to the Lord’s message because it is first received in the realm of the Spirit, a place of infinite perfection with colour palettes beyond the human capacity to observe. Even with words alone the prophet keenly feels their limitation and is left with a feeling of inadequacy in comparison to the glories of Heaven.
Nevertheless, Lynne is able to display with vivid raw power the messages she receives from her Lord. Each piece is intended to give a potential life transforming experience to the viewer, whoever they may be. Every encounter with the Lord is life-changing and is the end result of a heavenly invasion blessing the human spirit, soul and body. The Lord always has something to say according to His express will and purpose, and the imagery and iconic artwork of Lynne’s certainly conveys just that.
May Lynne’s art in this collection and other works she has done be more than a blessing to every viewer. May they bring each one closer to the Lord to receive His healing and inspiring messages. He loves us that much.
Pastor Ken Wigglesworth.
God brought Lynne into my life. Lynne has faithfully used her gifts from God to bless, heal and teach me while I have been walking out my life from Egypt to The promise land of living. As I have journeyed, Holy Spirit would lead me to turn a page of her book ‘The painted Word’, speaking truth, bring me healing and encouragement. Every page is a story of my life that I have walked through or currently walking through- it’s like this book is my story- all the pieces of the puzzle of my life put together in this book becoming a testimony of Jesus The Lion and His finished work in my life. He is amazing and I am very thankful for Him and His precious daughter Lynne.
Leanne B, Australia
11 x 8.5 in / 279 x 216mm, Premium Color, 80# White, Hardcover, Matte Cover, 53 Pages
Please contact us to order your copy
USA. US$47 (Includes postage, handling and taxes)
AUSTRALIA AU$65 (Includes postage and handling)