Lionheart Ministry

Roaring with His ferocious love, calling the church to repentance, redemption, revival.

Lionheart Ministry is a Christ infused community focused on loving our Lord Jesus Christ and one another. Aiming to equip men, women and children through the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit’s love-filled, encouragement and edification, ultimately birthing creativity to glorify God in passion and power.

Birthed in the United States, the Lionheart ministry team is currently working on launching an in person Rivers of His Love, a children’s  Revival center.

If you are a US resident you can sign up for new released publications here

On behalf of Lionheart Ministry we humbly thank Lynne Hudson for the extraordinary painting that has helped to birth this ministry! Her artistry, love, encouragement, support and the humble way she walks in the Holy Spirit’s power is a Christ filled example to all! She is one of our greatest ministry partners and we are dedicated to seeing her art travel across the globe to impact men, women and children! We are so thankful for her!